Sunday, March 30, 2008

Money (p. 279) Reflection

"Money" begins innocently, that having a little bit of it will bring no harm to the holder and those surrounding him. Each stanza explaining a new property and trait that money will possess the longer it is kept, and the longer the money is kept, the more importance it has the holder because no longer is money just currency to pay for the necessities of life, but instead it becomes the reason to live.
The idea of having money and maintaining it becomes increasingly important and each line takes on a new persona of importance, and that money is steadily taking over the existence of the owner. However, the entire time the possessor of the money believes that they are in control, when in reality, the money has had the power, "Then one day when you think/ you are its master/ it will turn its head/ as if for a kiss/ and bite you gently/ on the hand" (21-26).
People become obsessed with material things that they forget how to appreciate the small things in life. Every person has selfish tendencies, it is human nature to think about yourself, there is nothing wrong with putting yourself first at times; however, when you become so wrapped up in yourself and what you can get out of people that is when it becomes a problem. Money appears to be a wonderful thing because you think it will solve all your problems, when money just enhances the all ready existing dilemmas.
It is not that money is always bad. Money can bring about goodness, however, goodness is capable of coming about through money when the intentions are noble. Victor Contoski is just stating that this "disease" and addiction does not care what race, gender or religion the beholder may be, greed can rot any person to the core. Greed is a silent killer that is capable of tearing friends and families apart and changing the owner for the worse without having them ever realize their drastic transformation.
Wealth can be found in so many other things opposed to the object of money; wealth is found in good health, happy families and just being lucky to be breathing.

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