Sunday, March 30, 2008

Woman Work (271) - Devices

Angelou uses repetition of the words "rest," "Til I can rest again/Let me rest tonight" (22-26) to show her exhaustion. It is not that she needs sleep or a nap to give her the energy to continue her work, but the necessity for her body, mind and spirit to be given the opportunity to be at peace. Every day she must follow the mundane schedule of cleaning, cooking, caring, fixing, making - not only for her own family, but it seems for her master's family as well. She wants the earth, from which she came, to give her that peace of mind and that rest that will give her the strength to continue her labor.
Angelou uses the senses of the seasons, having the reader feel the sun, the rain, and the "Cold icy kisses" (25) of the snow. She wants to be freed by these elements of nature. She feels connected to the land because she understands the burden mother nature must hold in providing shelter for all its living creatures. Nature is the only thing she truly feels bonded with "You're all that I can call my own" (30).
By using the repetition and the senses and imagery of nature, the reader is able to understand the stress the speaker must endure since everyday she is held to the same high standards of work.

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